Roseprayer: The Inoruka Lore

Roseprayer is the story of Cerise and Kujo, The demon couple that stole our hearts. <3
Roseprayer and Inoruka are owned by Luci Rodriguez (Lucilaven)

Please feel free to listen to this album while reading:) it might help set the mood ♡
⬇️ The music will change per chapter so if it doesn't fit its because it's from another chapter

Background Information:

Inoruka is the ship between Cerise Nullier Haruka and Kujo Inoue. Roseprayer is the original universe they come from but are featured in other au’s by Lucilaven including: A case of mad love disease, Welcome to cafe la creemé!, The Third Eye Act, NeonRave and Friday Night Funkin: Midnight Lullabies.

Cerise Nullier Haruka

The Valentines Day Inspired fiend will be sure to steal your heart <3 Cerise Haruka (Born 2/14, Aged 37) is of both German and Japanese Descent is known for her Scientific Discoveries and her cuteness. Shes is also very well known for being kind and loving to teach children as she wanted to be a teacher when younger. Standing at an average height for her species( 8’4” ) she’s still continuously made fun of for her height by other people. She went to college for The study of Mycosis and Russian Literature which is where she met her now husband, Kujo Inoue. They soon started dating and ended up getting married later on.
♡: 8'4" /Fluffy Rose Devil
♡: 2/14 (aged 37)
♡:She/Her/They/Them (Pansexual)

Kujo Inoue

Kujo was once a human who had a decent life, although passed away in a drunk driving accident when his friend Lucille Lavendarade was driving home from a party. All siblings in the inoue and lavendarade side passed away in said accident. He ended up in hell at age 17 where he met Cerise when attending a prestigious college where he met his now wife Ms. Von Valentine AKA Cerise Haruka. They both studied Russian literature and fell in love as they kept meeting up for study sessions, after graduation he proposed to her and they got married in her favorite spot, where they had met all those years ago. He works as a book writer and publisher for said kingdom.
♤: 9'6" // Imp (?)
♤: Birthday: 12/3 (aged 38)
♤: He/Him/They (Bisexual)

Lucifer Lavendarade

Lucifer Lavendarade (Once known as Lucille Lavendarade) was driving during the accident, aged 16 once she passed. She ended up in hell for killing herself from the guilt of killing her sisters, best friends and boyfriend that night. She now works as Cerise's secretary in hell and is engaged and has twins.
◇ she's 4'11" and is a fluffy lust imp
◇birthday: 10/21 (aged ???/over 21)
◇ she/her (Bisexual)

Stella Inoue

The first born child of Cerise and Kujo, Stella is a prodigy when it comes to magic spells and constellations. She is the future heir of said kingdom and is the eldest of her 7 siblings.
Not much is known about her yet.
☆: 6'8" (Blue rose imp)
☆ Birthday: 10/15
(aged 16)
☆ she/they (lesbian)


Taking place in 2007, Roseprayer is the story of Cerise and Kujo and how a small mistake could change your life. Kujo Inoue,( a Russian Korean born child) passed away at the age of 18 along with Belgium A. Inoue, Kenya Inoue and Haixey A. Inoue, this list also includes Marietta Lavendarade and Bella Lavendarade, Lucifer then committed suicide out of guilt. Not knowing that participating in active war zones and the murdering of innocent people would ban them from heaven, they end up in hell after death. To succeed in modern society you should at least complete some sort of education and so they went to the only prestigious school they could to try to avoid everything else, and that's where they met. It was 10:15, Russian Literature was their first subject and neither if them wished to talk to others yet they talked..and they kept talking until he asked her out on valentines day..not knowing it was her birthday-
She wasn't normally the type to rebel against her parents she had taken him back home there really was no going back and so soon enough they were ready to have their first child.
II. Cerise and Kujo had their first child at 19, she knew that it would take time and she was willing to stay there every step of the way, though she began to worry about how Kujo might be taking things- like her Parents were supportive but she felt he might've been stressed, that same night she asked and he said he was just worried about how this would work with classes and that type of stuff- he was scared he couldn't produce for the family since he wasn't considered good enough to keep a stable job, hearing him be so negative saddened her, to be absolutely truthful she was worried- but mostly for him and Stella, she had everything she wanted, and she had enough money and that's when she decided that she'd help him in anything he needed, and she meant it in every damn way possible. Truth is she was willing to sacrifice herself for him if it meant making sure he was safe and happy, but she couldn't tell him that.
After she was completely healed they started physically attending classes again, every day she'd secretly open his bag and slipped an envelope with money in it, that way he'd stop worrying about it for a bit, and it worked- he was happy because he could buy them expensive things. She doesn't really like asking him for things as she felt bad.
The day that Stella turned four years old, Cerise had found out that she was indeed pregnant again- this time it was less stressful, they had a small house and good jobs so they could take it easy for a bit..although she couldn't stop worrying that something would go terribly wrong this time.
I guess things just don't work when you pray for them.
III. Cerise had never been dedicated to religion, even if she wanted to there was no point, she was already from hell so it's not like she could just die again like that. It was confusing to her how frail her body could be at this stage of her life. It was hard to think on..but she's always been sick, since the day she was born she's been in and out of hospitals and this time would only make it worse, and then she woke up. She was relieved it was just her having a nightmare and decided to get up a bit earlier than usual to get ready. At around 9 am Kujo had woken up, it was weird not having his girlfriend sleeping next to him as she'd usually sleep in, this felt weird..worrying in a sense so he went to try to go find her. The room was dark enough for him not to notice the blood stain on their bed so it's not like he had much of a suspicion to where she could be, that was until he heard faint sobbing in their bathroom. While Cerise crying wasn't out of the ordinary, he would always worry. He knocked on the door using the patern that he had taught her, that would help him recognize it was him, and she opened the door for him, but stayed quiet for a bit until he realized what had happened.
Cerise had a miscarriage, just when everything was going right for them her body had failed her once again.
IV. Haruka was devastated, this wasn't the first time she'd had something bad happen to her, she's broken multiple limbs, had ro be hospitalized throughout her whole life and even had hypothermia. Her whole life has been a serious case of fuckups and she couldn't take this one. For the next few months she felt empty..

The Original Roseprayer Lore:
Cerise is disguised as a nun, trying to understand why humans would want to go to heaven when it's filled with such awful people, while she left hell she left Luci in charge. Lucifer would send Kujo to the overworld to go check on her since she's prone on making harsh decisions. She was stressed, he would help her and what was a sort of complicated friendship soon turned to a passionate relationship where he would come visit just to "help her". This then became a full on relationship where she had Stella and Ayumi and adopted Sophie, Lucifer then helped Kujo propose to her while on their vacation in the human world and now they're living with their 8 kids.
(Roseprayer OG Lore Will be updated soon)

Roseprayer By Lucilaven

Roseprayer is owned by Lucilaven and is a collection of stories. Any au's mentioned either belong to Luci or are co-owned by her.
If you have any questions reach out to her down below.

© Roseprayer by Lucilaven. All rights reserved.